Software Engineer
@ EXALT Technologies
From 2/2014 to now
Developing full-stack web and mobile applications
I worked on different projects using many programming languages
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax for front-end applications.
- php, yii2 framework and rest-full APIs for back-end applications..
- Android and Ionic framework for mobile applications.
Teacher Assistant in CS Department
@ Birzeit University
From 2/2015 to 9/2015
Teaching some courses and assisting professors in labs.
I had the chance to work in the academic field and taste the beauty of
teaching fresh students some basic courses in Computer Science
Part-time Android Developer
@ Infinity IT
From 1/2013 to 12/2013
Developing Android mobile applications and games.
This was my first training and working opportunity that I got before
graduation. I learned Android development and contributed in some applications.
@ ASAL Technologies
From 7/2013 to 9/2013
I trained for two months at an outsourcing company called ASAL on the
- Object Oriented Programming (Java).
- Basic web concepts
- Rest web services
- CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
- JSP and Spring framework